题 目:Portfolio Optimization under Probabilistic Risk Measure
主要内容: In this talk, we consider the portfolio optimization problem for a pension fund consisting of various government and corporate bonds. The aim of the problem is to maximize the fund’s cash position at the end of the time horizon, while allowing for the possibility of bond defaults. We model this problem as a stochastic discrete-time optimal control problem with a chance constraint that ensures all future out- going commitments can be met with sufficiently high probability. We then introduce a corresponding deterministic formulation that is a conservative approximation of the original stochastic optimal control problem. This approximate problem can be solved using gradient-based optimization techniques. We conclude the paper with a simulation study.
Kok Lay Teo(张国礼)教授,现任澳大利亚Curtin University(科廷大学)John Curtin杰出贡献教授。1998年至2005年任香港理工大学应用数学系的首席教授和系主任。2005年至2010年任科廷大学数学与统计学系主任,首席教授。张教授主要从事最优控制、鲁棒控制理论与应用和通讯信号处理等方面的工作,在运筹学以及优化算法方面有着很深的学术造诣,出版英文专著5本,发表高水平和高影响的学术论文五百余篇,应邀作过许多重要的学术报告,得到了国际学术界的高度认可,并作为大会主席组织了多个专题国际学术大会。张教授现任三个国际杂志Journal ofIndustrial and Management Optimization、Dynamics ofContinuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B和NumericalAlgebra, Control and Optimization的主编,并是Automatica, JournalGlobal Optimization等十余个杂志的编委。
时 间:2019年3月29日(星期五)下午2:10-3:10
地 点: 南岸校区教师发展中心
主 办:数学与统计学院